Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

CRM - Essay Example 1. Introduction Is the customer always right? The customer may be the king, but is it worth pursuing to retain all the customer accounts? These are some of the dilemmas an organisation face, especially when a customer relationship have entered a cul-de-sac. The basic premise of customer relationship management is about attracting, developing, maintaining and retaining profitable customers over a period of time (Massey et al., 2001). Figure 1: The basic premise of customer relationship management Adapted from source: Massey et al., (2001) 2.Theoretical underpinning Payne and Frow (2005) delineate functional dimension of CRM and stated that it concerns with creating improved shareholder value through development of appropriate relationships with key customers and customer segments by making a fusion of the potential of relation marketing strategies with IT to create profitable, long-term relationships with customers and other key stakeholders. ... re 2: The service profit model suggested by Bentum and Stone (2005) Source: (Hussain et al., 2009, p.120) From the figure above, the service profit chain (SPC) is evident and urges that the value creation process is indeed a horizontal cross-functional process, rather than standalone views contained within each function (Heskett et al., 1994). Behind the theoretical underpinning of CRM, a major vector is to be able to fight competition; and an enterprise after implementing the CRM system should be profitable and add to shareholder’s value. However, at the core of the CRM remains the customer which must be attracted, developed, maintained, and retained in a profitable way. But does it mean that all the customers to be retained for as long as possible? Should the organisation pursue it with obsession? Saubert’s (2011) case study on â€Å"Which accounts are worth keeping?† provides a clue to this question. Saubert suggests that there should be a fruitful communion o f attrition propensity and profitability models (Saubert, 2011). Studying in the context of Australian Banks for credit card holders, Saubert opine that while devising customer retention strategies, firms should weigh the value earned from each customer. The firm’s CRM strategy needs to be guided by answer to two fundamental questions: Figure 3: Two fundamental question that must guide a firm's CRM strategy Adapted from source: (Saubert, 2011) Saubert (2011) opines that while firms usually strive to increase customer loyalty and reduce attrition but tend to overlook these two questions. The Performance Improvement Council (2008) states that in an ideal world, loyal long term customer relationships would eventually evolve towards partnerships and quotes Michael LeBoeuf, author of How to Win Customers & Keep

Monday, October 28, 2019

African Americans Essay Example for Free

African Americans Essay The African American journey has been one of trials and tribulations which they suffered greatly to achieve freedom and success. The battle has led the citizens of this nation to have witnessed the first African American President of the United States. The journey that has brought African Americans to the present situation has seen intermittent successes and numerous setbacks. Perseverance from many generations has brought about a gradual but progressive change. The journey begun in a state of slavery, through the act of slavery racism was seen in its rarest forms. The long journey emerged from African Americans being sold to white traders and transported across the Atlantic Ocean. Slaves were auctioned off and sold to the highest bidders. African Americans were considered personal property of the white man and viewed as economic commodity. Their strength and endurance was formed as a result of working in the fields and kitchens from sunrise to sunset. The slaves lived off of the bare necessities in life. This act of slavery existed for decades and helped to shape the course of American history. From slavery to the March on Washington and many other events, African Americans have fought for their rights in United States, and have achieved their identity through many historical movements. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution officially abolished slavery and freed the slaves to make a life for themselves as the Reconstruction Period. During the Reconstruction Era (1867) African Americans still suffered hardships under the leadership of Andrew Johnson who became president after Lincoln had got assassinated in 1865. Andrew Johnson had no intention of helping the African Americans he wanted to punish the slaveholders in the South. Andrew Jackson opposed giving African Americans the freedom to vote or equal rights. 1870 the 15th Amendment was ratified and became a law that specified African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 3 African American men had the right to vote. Voting was part of African Americans receiving civil liberties. The Civil Rights Movement and racial oppression were very significant moments in the American history. Exploitation was seen based on the color of one’s skin. Oppression was the way to keep the African American’s voice unheard. The dominant race manipulated America and shaped it according to the value of one race in society. Gaining equality was the essence of the struggle for African Americans in which white society pushed to prohibit African Americans from gaining any form of equality. Americans were uninformed and unaware of how corrupt the government officials were. During the historical journey of the African Americans the government failed to have all humans’ best interest in mind. The African American Journey Devastation of trials and tribulations were prevalent among the African Americans before 1865. The Civil War put a new twist on how society tuned into a racist world. Racism was very powerful and demanding during this period in life. Racism still prevails in the present tense only in more subtle ways. Before 1865 issues with slavery depicted lynching, segregation, low wages for job performances and derogatory defamation of character within a race due to skin pigmentation. Slavery and degradation never killed the desire of freedom and a promising future for African Americans. This was one of the foremost occurrences of hatred and dehumanizing of man because of the color of their skin. This exemplified the state of condition the African Americans were placed and recognized that another race was superior or had power over another race. African Americans were considered powerless over their own lives. The Emancipation African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 4 Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment were passed by a strong leader named Abraham Lincoln, which declared all of America’s slaves were free by 1865. In 1865, African Americans were finally feeling like human beings and not like property that endured brutality, harsh whippings, no rights as humans and cruel punishment. The passing of various civil liberty movements’, education, employment and voting privileges improved. Fox (2014) stated that southern blacks were impatient in seeking voting privileges. The U. S. Constitution gave all blacks a nominal right to vote, but southern blacks were often blocked at the polls, and racial apartheid was the foundation of a rigid caste system. The Thirteenth and Fifteenth Amendment abolished slavery and Americans were making strides to work things out. After the release of slaves the black codes of law were passed laws, statues, and rules enacted by southern states after the Civil War to gain control over the slaves again and protect the white man’s property from retaliation. The slave owners were worried that they had to do the Plantation work themselves after the slaves were freed, and blacks would want revenge on them because of the hardships of oppression over hundreds of years. Progression of African Americans throughout the 18th and 19th centuries was a struggle. The relationships between blacks and whites were, frustrating and intense, primarily because the concept of reigning in superior positions over African Americans lives in respect to finances, social activities, cultural values or political affiliations has not changed significantly. African Americans fought for equal opportunity and their rights as a human race. They struggled to fit in with society. Despite the developments and changes, many fiscal and visual (how they were perceived) characteristics of African Americans at the end of the nineteenth century did not African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 5 differ from that of the mid-1800s. 1865-1876 was considered a time of change for African Americans but racism continued to cause much pain and despair for African Americans. Two significant events that surfaced to support the emergence of African Americans was the Harlem Renaissance Movement (1920) and the Civil Rights Movement. The Harlem Renaissance contributed to the talents and cultural beliefs of African Americans. They were able to bring perspective and pride to their lives. Harlem Renaissance was defined as: The Harlem Renaissance was the name given to the cultural, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists, musicians, photographers, poets, and scholars. Many had come from the South, fleeing its oppressive caste system in order to find a place where they could freely express their talents (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). African Americans felt they were able to make specific contributions to society and start communicating their feelings, beliefs and values to others. The Harlem Renaissance Movement brought different racial groups together in appreciation of the music and poetry but did not have much success in breaking the racial divide between the races that were expressed in the Jim Crow excerpts. â€Å"The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues, attracting whites to Harlem speakeasies, where interracial couples danced. It contributed to a certain relaxation of racial attitudes among young whites, but its greatest impact was to reinforce race pride among blacks† (Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 2002, p. 1). The 1964 Civil Rights Movement gave African Americans the right to take a stand against racism. Racial discrimination was a major problem that caused havoc in the lives of African Americans. Several events emerged from the Civil Rights African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 6 movement that made a significant impact on the lives of African Americans- the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Black Power Movement. The events above promoted a means of outlawing racial discrimination. Segregation was protested through political and social protest rallies and campaigns. The Black Power Movement gave African Americans a voice to be heard. Political and religious reasons were heard as their voices resonated throughout society. â€Å"The African American movement gained political legitimacy because it politicized the grievances of collective memory and appealed to a common ancestry to regain for this people cultural, political, and economic rights by rejecting subordination and White cultural supremacy or hegemony† (Jalata, 2002, p. 1). Before the Civil Rights Movement America was considered in the realms of practicing apartheid. All African Americans were humiliated, denied their civil rights and liberties, dehumanized and suffered tremendous hardships. Several movements initiated progress for African Americans. They were finally gaining their rights to live as human beings and become a part of society. â€Å"But the awkward truth is that when it comes to the goals laid down by the civil rights movement in general and Brown in particular, America is actually going backward† (Younge, 2014, p. 10). A school in Little Rock marked a turn in events for African Americans. This was in 1957 when the governor issued an order to the National Guard troops to stop the nine black children from entering the school. The order was denied and a mob of white students intimidated the black students. Federal soldiers escorted the black students into the school and were protected by the armed guards. The governor, African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 7 Faubus, closed all of the city’s schools to prevent integration. The African Americans prevailed regardless of the circumstances. According to Pearson Education (2000) other events that marked a period of setbacks and progression in the lives of African Americans are: †¢1931 NINE BLACK YOUTHS ARE INDICTED IN SCOTTSBORO, ALA., ON CHARGES OF HAVING raped two white women. †¢1947 JACKIE ROBINSON BREAKS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLS COLOR BARRIER WHEN HE IS signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers by Branch Rickey. †¢1952 MALCOLM X BECOMES A MINISTER OF THE NATION OF ISLAM. OVER THE NEXT several years his influence increases until he is one of the two most powerful members of the Black Muslims. †¢1963 MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS ARRESTED FOR MARCHING AGAINST ANTI-SEGREGATION. †¢1966 THE BLACK PANTHERS WAS FOUNDED. †¢1967 THURGOOD MARSHALL WAS APPOINTED TO THE SUPREME COURT. †¢2002 HALLE BERRY AND DENZEL WASHINGTON RECEIVED OSCARS FOR BEST ACTORS. †¢1992 RACIAL RIOTS ARE SEEN IN LOS ANGELES AFTER ACQUITTING FOUR WHITE BOYS FOR beating Rodney King. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 8 †¢2005 CONDOLEEZZA RICE BECOMES THE FIRST BLACK FEMALE U. S. SECRETARY OF STATE. †¢2009 BARACK OBAMA BECAME THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT. Many problems that exist today seem to be repeating themselves. America seems to be making an upturn and the ugly faces of racism are reappearing. Younge (2014) stated that schools are re-segregating, legislation is being gutted, it’s getting harder to vote, large numbers are being deprived of their basic rights through incarceration, and the economic disparities between black and white are growing. In many areas, America is becoming more separate and less equal. Overcoming hurdles was nothing new to Obama and Colin Powell. Both men achieved success in American society. Obama became the first black president and Colin Powell became Secretary of State and served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Barack Obama is the first African American President of the United States and that is considered a very important step forward in this country. His administration has been one of struggle and plight to succeed because of the turmoil going on in the nation. Obama has succeeded in great ways without the support of many Republicans in the house. Asked So, how has being Black affected your ability to govern? , Obama replied in part: By virtue of being African-American, Im attuned to how throughout this countrys history there have been times when folks have been locked out of opportunity, and because of the hard work of people of all races† (Cooper, 2012, p. 11). Obama has been successful in making equal opportunity a solution to African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 9 many problems. He has slowly opened the doors to more people and made equal opportunity happen through vigilance and determination. A great historical event occurred when Obama was elected as President. This surprised many Americans in the world. This symbolized a step forward towards racial equality in the history of African Americans. This election captured several important turn of events that said we have made great accomplishments. This completed the Civil Rights Movement and what it stood for, an emergence of a post-racial society, the elimination of multiculturalism and the possibility of ending the black struggle. There were several activist that would not have concluded that the black struggle has ended. Those people were Marcus Garvey, Ella Baker and Huey P. Newton. Their beliefs were based on specific facts that unifying scattered people of African descent, inspiring racial pride, and ultimately creating a separate, independent country should be the goals of racial uplift. Garvey thought black people were oppressed and divided as a race. Because they were ‘scattered as an unmixed and unrecognized part’ in numerous nations they were dependent upon the other races for kindness and sympathy. Many people have struggled to explain the plight of the African American race but the journey was one of hardship, courage and endurance that built character. The African American race has come a long way from cruelty and hardship inflicted during the 1800’s. The journey encompassed freedom, voting rights, civil liberties and equality. African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 10 References Blackpast. org. (2007). African American history timeline 1901-2000. Retrieved from http://www. blackpast. org/timelines/african-american-history-timeline-1900-2000 Cooper, K. J. (2012). The Presidents Report Card. Crisis (15591573), 119(4), 6. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=f5hAN=88314705site=eds-live Educational Broadcasting Corporation (2002). The Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wnet/jimcrow/stories_events_harlem. html Fox Piven, F. (2014). 50 and FIGHTING. Planning, 80(6), 10. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=f5hAN=96548704site=eds-live Jalata, A. (2002). Revisiting the black struggle: Lessons for the 21st century. Journal of Black Studies, 33(1). Retrieved from African Americans: Historical Journey from 1865 to the Present 11 http://search.ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=edbAN=7268500site=eds-live Kirk, J. (2009). THE LONG ROAD TO EQUALITY. History Today, 59(2), 52-58. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=aphAN=36590274site=eds-live Pearson Education. (2000). African American history timeline. Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmtimeline. html Younge, G. (2014). The Awkward Truth about Race. Nation, 298(24), 10-11. Retrieved from http://search. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/login. aspx? direct=truedb=aphAN=96204081site=eds-live.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

To what extent did comprehensive schools enable working class :: Economics

To what extent did comprehensive schools enable working class pupils to succeed? Comprehensive schools enabled working class students to succeed because when there was the Tripartite System the majority of working class pupils would go to secondary modern schools as the 11+ test was favoured towards middle class experiences and language. Pupils attending secondary modern schools were seen as a student failing, this then affected the attention the students got at school, the opportunities open to the students and they also gained a low self-esteem. It also creates a â€Å"self believing prophecy† from low self esteem. In addition to that secondary modern schools only had a third of the funding with 80% of the population attending them. This meant that there were fewer qualifications to gain and less good qualified teachers, which in essences was preparing them for unskilled manual work. The tripartite system legitimated inequality through the ideology that ability is inborn rather than the products of the child’s upbringing and environment, and thus can be identified early on in life Because the 11+ test favoured middle class, it was mostly middle class students that went to grammar schools. This created a social class division when one of the reasons for having Free State education was more ‘equal’ opportunities. When comprehensive schools were introduced in 1965, it was designed to overcome the unfairness of the tripartite system by abolishing the 11+ exam and sending all pupils to the same type of secondary school (with the exception of private school students who continued to go to private schools). Since the schools joined, there were more qualifications on offer to students. Middle class and working class worked together. But never the less, the system continued to reproduce class inequality. Some secondary modern schools were placed where the majority of working class students lived, so in some schools it was still mainly working class. Whilst in others, mostly middle class. In addition to that, many comprehensives were streamed into ability groups, where middle-class pupils tend to dominate the higher streams. Even where ability groups were not present, Ball argued that teachers continued to label working class pupils negatively and to restrict their opportunities. More recently, both Ball and Whitty have examined how the policy of marketisation also reproduces and legitimates inequality. Marketisation is largely the result of the 1988 Education Reform Act, which reduced direct state control and introduced market forces into education so as to create competition between schools and increase parental choice. They state that marketisation reproduces inequality through exam league tables and the funding formula. Publishing each schools exam results in a league table ensures that schools that achieve good results are more in demand, because parents

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of precedent Essay

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of precedent and how judges may make new law. Include 1 case where judges have made new law. The doctrine of precedent is an important feature of judge-made law (common law). This doctrine means that similar disputes should be decided by reference to the same legal principles, and that lower courts are bound to follow the decisions of higher courts within the same court hierarchy. There are both advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of precedent and the way in which judges may make new law. An advantage of judge made law is that decisions are based on principle – meaning that judges are not making up the law as they go. The doctrine of precedent provides for consistency in the application of the law, which therefore promotes justice and fairness (as the courts will decide ‘like’ cases in the same way). There is also some degree of certainty, as the outcome of cases can be predicted based on previous decisions. The advantage of precedent is that it allows for the law to grow to meet new situations, and to be flexible to meet changing needs – which therefore provides for the efficient operation of the legal system. On the other hand, judge-made law is slow to evolve. The courts are not free to make law in the same sense as parliament. Unlike parliament, judges cannot make law as an immediate response to a community demand or when a general need is perceived. A disadvantage of precedent is that rigidity and inflexibility may develop where judges are reluctant to depart out-of-date or inappropriate precedents. Uncertainty can also arise where there is more than one precedent that may apply to a particular set of circumstances. Change may be slow and irregular because change can only occur when a complainant has a significant case that is subject to an appeal. Given the cost of litigation, not all complainants may be prepared to persist with a legal action under these circumstances. Also, the law develops retrospectively meaning that a problem must exist before the court will consider the circumstances – it does not operate to avoid possible conflicts. Landmark decisions (from which new principles develop) are few and far between. They usually arise from cases on appeal heard in the highest courts. An example of an Australian case where judges have made new law is Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills [1936] AC 85. This case involved similar  circumstances to the landmark case of Donoghue v Stevenson, [1932] AC 562. In this case the plaintiff, Dr. Grant, bought some woollen underwear from a store. The underwear had been manufactured by the Australian Knitting Mills Ltd. Dr. Grant suffered dermatitis as a result of wearing the woollen underwear. It was later discovered that the condition was caused by the excessive use of chemicals in the process used to make the underwear. According to the doctrine of precedent, the court would have applied the rule of law stated in Donoghue v. Stevenson to the case of Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills. Like Mrs. Donoghue, Dr. Grant was deemed to be a ‘neighbour’. He was a person who was closely and directly affected by the act of the manufacturer and the manufacturer ought to have had him in mind as being affected when preparing the underwear. The manufacturer had a duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts that they could reasonably foresee would be likely to injure consumers such as Dr. Grant. Dr. Grant was successful in his claim for damages. This was the first Australian case to adopt the legal principle of negligence. In summary, judges make laws by comparing similar situations and following sets of principles to determine outcomes. This is known as the doctrine of precedent and it creates common law – which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Public participation Essay

The end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the new millennium have seen the rapid growth of two undeniably related phenomena. They are the rise of international democracy and the explosion in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). â€Å"E-democracy† is the concept widely used and even sometimes misused. Crick (2002:93) defines democracy as the, â€Å"polity or political rule [that] strives to balance individual freedom, individual rights, and the common good. † In this paper I’m going to examine the impact of ICTs on the concept of democracy as presented by Crick. Conditions of modern democracy are the role of individuals, official doctrines, typical social structure, nature of the elite, typical institutions of government, type of economy, theories of property, attitudes to law, diffusion of information, and attitudes to politics. No doubt that ICTs have potential to expand democratic participation. Still the question whether ICTs facilitate and enhance democracy is surrounded by much controversy. Areas such as e-voting and e-consultation attract great attention of political scientists from over the globe. ICTs provide an excellent opportunity for governments to become more transparent, efficient and accountable. ICTs mean that people are provided greater services and opportunities online, and as a result become more informed, articulate and active in public affairs. Thus, ICTs have a significant potential to widen civic engagement. Much hype surrounds the newly created term â€Å"global civil society†. Norris (2001:6) poses an inevitable and burning question, â€Å"Will the Internet have the capacity to revitalize public participation in conventional politics, such as levels of party membership, electoral turnout, or activism in civic and voluntary organizations? † ICTs may create the possibility of reaching out to publicize political parties, solicit feedback, new ideas, and new members, energize party activists and build leadership cadres. Thus, ICTs may help to promote political pluralism and activism. Individualism becomes a core value in the ICT-driven society, and the role of an individual is the condition of modern democracy. Also we should keep in mind that e-commerce empowers previously economically disadvantaged strata, and type of economy is one of the conditions of modern democracy. Norris (2001:97) stresses the following fact, â€Å"The Internet may broaden involvement in public life by eroding some of the barriers to political participation and civic engagement, especially for many groups currently marginalized from mainstream politics. † So ICTs provide a perfect opportunity to increase youth participation, enhance women on the political arena, and include marginalized and disadvantaged groups. As Crick (2002:98) argues, â€Å"Participation is critical, for moral education and for the implementation of democratic government. † Still, Leslie David Simon (2002:36) argues that, â€Å"Participation fortifies democracies, but it is also a favourite tool of many totalitarian states. † But Norris (2001:101) states that, â€Å"the new opportunities for civic engagement and political participation on the Internet will serve primarily to benefit those elites with the resources and motivation to take advantage of [them]. † The nature of the elite is the essential condition of modern democracy, and today we can speak of â€Å"information elite† as well as of â€Å"information society. † Transparency of the government, both federal and local, is another possible consequence of democracy. Crick (2002:103) states that, â€Å"Democracies work better (can only work) in an atmosphere of trust. † Norris (2001:107) states that, â€Å"new technologies allow greater transparency in the policy-making process, wider public participation in decision making, and new opportunities for interaction and mobilization in election campaigns, but, critics argue, whether these potentialities are realized. † Attention to the protection of human rights through the use of new communication technologies is an area of growing interest. On the other hand, the implementation of more â€Å"technological democracy† will exacerbate the existing digital divide present within and between developed and developing countries. The explosive growth of the Internet is exacerbating existing inequalities between the information rich and poor. Also, as Norris argues, a so-called democratic divide is developing between the citizens who do and do not use ICT’s to engage, mobilize and participate in public life. Instead of promoting democracy, ICTs could be manipulated by political parties as tools of propaganda. With no Internet censorship it is becoming a widespread political phenomenon. Crick (2002:21) defines anarchy as â€Å"a central danger of democracy†, and cyber-pessimist perceive Internet as a totally anarchical environment. Leslie David Simon (2002:Front Matter) reminds the reader that, â€Å"Today we know that there is another side to the story. Those who hate democratic values and human rights have also learned to use the Internet. In the United States and abroad, neo-Nazis and other hate groups maintain Web-sites†¦ † Also e-democracy should be seen as enhancing, not replacing traditional forms of government-citizen interaction. Norris (2001:104) reminds us that ICTs should be used, â€Å"to promote and strengthen the core representative institutions connecting citizens and the state. In this regard, opportunities for public participation and civic engagement generated via new technology are important. † Analysing all the abovementioned, I came to the conclusion that the views expressed by cyber-optimist are more realistic. Personally I believe that ICTs are able and will promote democracy and strengthen the rule of law, and attitude to law is one of the important conditions of modern democracy. ICT’s bring more opportunity and freedom, and these two factors will gradually cause wider adoption and improvement of democratic governance. Certainly, I admit the existence of numerous dangers related to the spread of ICTs, but I believe that the growing political consciousness will prevent further misuse of this powerful tool. Open and transparent government as well as availability and circulation of information can guarantee democracy and participation, and diffusion of information is one of the crucial conditions of modern democracy. Making a final conclusion I would life to state once more that the rational use of the whole potential of ICTs can facilitate democracies worldwide. Sources: 1. Leslie David Simon, Javier Corrales, Donald R. Wolfensberger, Democracy and the Internet: Allies or Adversaries?, Woodrow Wilson Centre Press, 2002 2. Pippa Norris, Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty, and the Internet Worldwide, Cambridge University Press, 2001 3. Bernard Crick, Democracy: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2002